Maryland DUI Lawyer Explains Repeat DUI Offenses

Penalties For Repeat Drunk Drivers In Maryland

Anyone who reads the news has likely come across threatening statements from law enforcement officials promising increasingly punitive measures to combat repeat drunk drivers. Prosecutors and police officers throughout the state show almost no leniency to repeat offenders, something that can unfortunately result in individuals serving jail time for a second or subsequent DUI offense.  (Don’t panic, this is not an inevitable result).

What is a repeat offender?

In Maryland, repeat offenders include anyone who has been convicted of two or more drunk driving offenses, whether DUI or DWI. Those drivers who have been convicted (or have received a PBJ) for a drunk driving offense at least one other time in a five-year period face more than double the jail time and double the fines of a first-time DUI offender.

What are the criminal penalties for repeat drunk driving convictions?

Beyond the obvious increase in possible jail time and fines, repeat offenders also face longer license suspensions. In Maryland, your license could be suspended for up to a year if you are convicted of a second DUI offense. This can make finding and keeping a job nearly impossible.

Repeat offenders may face being forced to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicles, something that forces the driver to exhale into the system before the car’s engine will start. The ignition interlock devices also gather data about the car and its driver, downloading the information back to Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration once a month.
Non-Criminal Penalties

Beyond these criminal penalties, repeat offenders in Maryland also face steeply increased car insurance rates. Additionally, repeat offenders might discover that it is difficult to find employment or pursue higher education. These non-criminal penalties can make it difficult to lead a successful life and support your family.

Of course, every case and situation is different and you should seek advice about your particular situation as an attorney can help you minimize the impact if the State considers you a subsequent offender.

Need help with a Maryland traffic ticket or drunk driving offense? Call me at 301-563-9575 or 1-877-566-2408 for a free consultation. I’m an experienced Maryland criminal defense lawyer and I’d be happy to help. I practice law throughout the entire State of Maryland.