Social Host Liability In Maryland
Many people in Maryland might not realize that there are specific laws on the books dealing with an adult’s decision to allow minors to consume alcohol at home. These laws are known as Social Host Liability laws and Maryland has strict rules on the books to punish adults who are found guilty of furnishing minors with alcohol.
Social Host Liability Law
Maryland’s law is found in the Maryland Criminal Law Code Section 10-121 and it says that adults violate the state’s law if they knowingly and willfully allow the possession or consumption of an alcoholic beverage by an underage person. The law specifically creates liability if the consumption of alcohol occurs in or in the immediate area surrounding a residence.
What’s the penalty?
Maryland’s statutes say that the adults who are charged with a violation of the Social Host Liability law face graduated sentences. For a first offense, the violators will be charged with a misdemeanor, something that is punishable with a maximum fine of $2,500. The punishment increases for subsequent offenses, with maximum fines rising to $5,000, a stiff price to pay for hosting a party.
Need help with a Maryland traffic ticket or drunk driving offense? Call me at 301-563-9575 or 1-877-566-2408 for a free consultation. I’m an experienced Maryland criminal defense lawyer and I’d be happy to help. I practice law throughout the entire State of Maryland.