Can You Lose Your Maryland Driver’s License From Traffic Tickets?
The short answer is a resounding yes. If you manage to rack up large numbers of Maryland traffic violations, you can and likely will have your driver’s license suspended or revoked.
The Maryland point system, which is administrated by the Maryland MVA, says that when a driver manages to collect between eight and 11 points during any two-year time frame, his or her license will be suspended.
If the driver fails to learn his or her lesson and collects more than 12 points, the license will be officially revoked. At that point, the driver will need to go to the MVA and apply for a new license once your period of revocation expires.
Though no one traffic ticket may seem too serious, one point, two points, maybe three, they can quickly add up to a serious problem and result in the loss of your driving privileges. Given the chance that even minor traffic tickets could lead to license suspension or revocation, it’s critical to take each charge seriously and reach out to an experienced traffic lawyer who can offer guidance.
Need help with a Maryland traffic ticket? Call me at 301-563-9575 or 1-877-566-2408 for a free consultation. I’m an experienced Maryland traffic defense lawyer and I’d be happy to help. I practice law throughout the entire State of Maryland.