The decision to obtain an attorney for your Maryland traffic case is yours and yours alone. I am often asked if an individual should hire a Maryland traffic attorney if they have “fixed” their suspended license. In Maryland, the charge of driving on a suspended license carries up to one year in jail. Fixing your Maryland license is a step in the right direction, but not a guarantee that your Maryland traffic case will automatically get dropped or that the judge and/or prosecutor will give you a “good deal.”
In Maryland, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knew or should have known that your license was suspended at the time you were driving the vehilce. It helps if you fix the problem. However, there are lots of factors that determine how the case is handled, including which county you’re charged in, which judge you have, which prosecutor you have, and your traffic record.
I have literally handled thousands of cases and appear in Maryland traffic court almost every day. Too often, I see naive people try to handle it on their own. I have seen people go to jail. I have seen people have their license revoked (and not even realize it!). I am not trying to scare you. I am just sharing with you the truth. Yes, having a suspended license is NOT the most serious case in the world. It is serious enough that you should strongly considering at least consulting with a Maryland traffic ticket lawyer.
If you need help with a Maryland suspended license case, I am here to help. I have literally handled thousands of Maryland traffic tickets. I have offices in both Silver Spring, Maryland, and Greenbelt, Maryland, but I practice throughout the state.