If you’ve been charged with negligent driving in Maryland, don’t panic. Its a very common charge and isn’t as bad as it sounds. According to the Maryland traffic code, “A person is guilty of negligent driving if he drives a motor vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner that endangers any property or the life or person of any individual.” For all that, it only carries one point. Police officers will usually charge you with negligent driving if you also received a DUI/DWI charge, there was an accident and think it was your fault, you were driving erratically, or for no good reason (maybe you gave the officer an “attitude”).
In either case, a Maryland negligent driving charge is far better than a reckless driving charge. If I’m representing a client and he or she is charged with both, I will often attempt to negotiate with the officer and suggest that its only appropriate to present evidence on the negligent charge. One point is better than six!
Facing a negligent driving charge and don’t know what to do? Worried about your insurance premiums or traffic record? Give me a call or send me an email. I’m an experienced Maryland traffic ticket attorney and I have handled my share of negligent driving charges…Don’t be shy, I look forward to hearing from you.