Hit and Run: Leaving The Accident Scene In Maryland

If you’ve been involved in a Maryland automobile accident (however minor), stay put.  Do not leave the scene until you’ve checked the welfare of all parties involved and exchanged insurance information.

Leaving the scene of an accident in Maryland (where property damage is involved) is a misdemeanor offense that carries 60 days in jail.  Yes, you read that right!  Even if you don’t think there was damage or you’re not sure, stay anyway.  Technically, its only a traffic offense in Maryland to leave if there was actual property damage.  Its a pretty rare occurrence where no damage is present.  Even if there was no damage, the other driver or witness will likely report you anyway and the police will certainly issue you the citation once they track you down.

I understand that most people don’t really intend to leave, however, they get panicked, scared, and don’t know what to do.  The first thing on their mind is “I gotta get out of here.”  I get it.  If you’ve been arrested or received a ticket for a “hit and run” in Maryland, don’t panic. I’d be happy to assist you.

Need help with a Maryland traffic ticket or traffic offense?  Call me at 1-877-566-2408 or 301-563-9575  BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING.  I’m a Maryland traffic attorney who has handled thousands of Maryland traffic tickets and violations.  I’m in traffic court on most days.  I’m happy to offer you a no cost, no obligation consulation.