Yes, you are entitled to do that. In fact, it is beneficial to settle your Maryland property damage claim quickly. This will allow you to focus more on your Maryland injury case and get the medical treatment that you need. If your Maryland car accident was serious and your car was totaled, make sure all evidence is preserved through documentation before the car is junked.
How long should I wait before resolving my Property Damage Claim?
If you were not at fault, submit your claim to the other driver’s insurance company immediately, requesting all benefits you think you are entitled to (i.e. rental car). You can process your claim through your own insurance company if the at-fault driver’s carrier delays processing. Your insurance company will then claim for reimbursement from them through subrogation.
The insurance adjuster wants me to sign a claim release. Should I?
A release is necessary to close your property damage claim. But read it carefully. Better yet, have a Maryland personal injury attorney review it and be present at signing. Make sure you only release the property damage claim. The language can be confusing and the unaware might release the company from all claims, property and personal injury alike.
Need help with a Maryland car accident case? Call me at 301-563-9575 or 1-877-566-2408 for a no-cost, no obligation consultation. I’m an experienced Maryland personal injury attorney and would be happy to discuss your case with you.