Maryland DWI Defense Lawyer Explains DUI/DWI Laws in Maryland

DUI vs. DWI In Maryland Though many people use phrases like driving under the influence or driving while impaired interchangeably, the fact is that under Maryland law there is an important distinction between the two criminal charges. Maryland drunk driving laws note a difference between being over the legal limit and other cases where a […]

Maryland DUI Attorney Explains Right To Lawyer in DUI Case

Right To Speak With Attorney Prior To Chemical Test In Maryland Most people understand that when a person faces criminal charges they have the right to an attorney. This right is guaranteed by both state and federal constitutions and offers protection to individuals who may not understand the law well enough to defend themselves. What […]

Maryland DUI Lawyer Reveals Reasons for Being Pulled Over in Maryland

What Causes Police To Pull Cars Over For DUI? The fact is that in Maryland, like everywhere else in the United States, police officers have quite a bit of discretion in pulling over vehicles. The fact that so many laws exist about operating vehicles means that it can be easy for officers to find justification […]

Maryland DUI Lawyer Reveals Penalties for Maryland Drunk Driving Cases

Penalties For Drunk Driving In Maryland In Maryland, the penalties for drunk driving can be very harsh and the consequences can follow you for many years in the future. The penalties for driving while intoxicated depend on the person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of the arrest. DUI The more serious offense in […]

Maryland DUI Defense Attorney Four Out-of-State Drivers

Maryland DUI For Out-Of-Staters If you’re in Maryland on vacation you likely want to spend your time having fun and being carefree. Unfortunately, if you are arrested and charged with driving drunk your good time can end up causing havoc, with the consequences often following you back home. Many people mistakenly believe that because an […]

Maryland DUI Attorney Explains Drunk Driving Checkpoints

Are Drunk Driving Checkpoints Legal In Maryland? Sobriety checkpoints, also known as drunk driving checkpoints, are a common method employed by law enforcement officials to nab intoxicated drivers. In some states, the checkpoints are illegal, while other states allow police officers to use them freely. What does Maryland law say about the issue? Keep reading […]